lunes, 13 de abril de 2009

letter of Dr. Vallin to the National Coordinator of the CDR


Habana City, april 13, 2oo9

Sr. Juan José Rabilero Fonseca

National Coordinator of the Defense committee

of the Revolution


A brief review so that you can understand the reason for this letter.

You know better then i the situation of the country because you direct an organization that, besides other things, have the task of monitoring and vigilance. You know then very well the problems we confront with alot of things, beside them and not of minor importance, the constant illegalities, the corruption, the real or intentional ignorance of the law, and all that derives from it. In other instance, the personal that has to deal with the authorities which are in constant contact with the population, not in all the cases, but in alot of them, show a lack of knowledge (and for such reason, de violation of citizen rights) which exacerbates even more the contradictions. In the same order of things, but at another level, - and it is my personal observation - The authorities show a distrust and rejection to anything that does not have the smell of unconditional obedience according to their point of view and are ready to restrain the most minor manifestation, iniciative or proposal, they believe, it attacks them in any form.

it is evident that the maximum authority of the nation knows in its bottom these problems and its large importance when its said: "It should not only matter, this purpose, the publicity which our laws receive in the press, but should be organized in a systematic manner of areas of study so that the masses can deepen their knowledge of the Constitution and the laws. These should be documents which are incorparated in the following programs of study of the National Educational System".

With this purpose, a reduced group of lawyers decided to create the Cuban Judicial Association which already has iniciated de pertinent procedures for its inscription in the Registry of the Association of Judicial Ministry, but frustrated by the preoccupating situation which we see growing before our eyes, we dedided to commence a seminary in the sence of the previous paragraph which we communicated and send to the ministry branch. Notwithstanding, , the two brief seminaries which we iniciated which where interrupted by personal of the Interior Ministry and who subscribes, cited for "a conversation" in a police unit.

In that opportunity, the officials confirm to me their preoccupation that the imparting of these brief courses has the tortures purpose "to give the seekers of guaranteed resources too fight and oppose the national laws". We seek to understand how to call the citizens to know and respect the laws is to teach them to defend themselfs of the same laws: it seems to me like a bunch of gibberish without sense, but it is not my position to come in conflict with the authorities which, in other sense, are in great measure the promoters of this letter, maybe with out proposing them, they suggested that i do it. The deal is they made me know "In imparting these courses to other members of the civil society, not only the so called disidents, who would have no objection what so ever in what is being realized".

I imagine the officials had not forgotten that i told them that i would take their words.

In this way, i am proposing to you and your organization, and offering my own, infinitly more smaller then yours in resources of all types, to commit this task in conjunction, in other words, to organize at a level of stability and under the sponsorship of both of us, seminaries of study of the laws of the country (Constitution of the Republic, Penal Codes, law of Penal Procedure and Public international Rights), which will, i am sure, will awaken a great interes in our inhabitants and we will again see the meetings of the CDR filled with the public, specially with the youth.

I believe, also, we could invite to these task all the lawyers of the country, for the sole purpose of being such, that we would desire to colaborate with it.

As far as i am concern i establish one condition: to these seminaries should be able to go all citizens who wish to, because our Constitution explains:

- Article 41: All the citizens should enjoy the same rights and are subjected to the same duties.

- Article 42: The discrimination due to race... and any other prejudice against human dignity is proscribed and is sanctioned by the law.

In wait for your reply, yours respectfuly.,


Lic. Wilfredo Vallín Almeida

Saco No.457 apto.6, Between Carmen and Patrocinio

Víbora, Habana City

(1) General of the Army Raúl Castro Ruz, february 24, 1976

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