jueves, 14 de mayo de 2009


Habana, may 14, 2009

Call of the Agenda for the Cuban transition.

The Agenda for the Cuban Transition, makes a call to all the democratic opposition, be the political or social groups of the "parliament of the opposers". The same will be conformed by the Board of Coordinators, which in iqual standing will discuss and plant the commun points of the defending opposers.

The Pro temporary Secretary of the board will be composed of up to 5 members democraticlly elected for one year, which at the end will be renovated. The mandate will correspond with each plenary and the functions of the secretary will be to comply with what he disposes of.

There will be three types of committees: nacional, provincial and municipal. In them the elected representatives will meet for each of the correponding groups at each level.

The country needs us united to defend it. To unite is the word of order. Present your candidacy.

For the Pro Temporary Secretary of the Board of National Coordinators:

Félix Antonio Bonne Carcassés Francisco Chaviano González

Gisela Delgado Sablón René Gómez Manzano

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