sábado, 16 de mayo de 2009
By: Eduardo E. Rodríguez Candelario
may 16, 2009
Hatillo, Puerto Rico - www.cubanoticiasdisidentes.com - there are times in history where it has been mentioned the sighting of monsters in the wilderness, forest, lakes, mountains, space and so on, but in reality a solid case of real monster can be pointed out as those two brothers sitting in the capitol seat commanding the destiny of the cuban people; no reasoning, sudden attacks, scare tactics, killings, desaperances, a real nightmarish state of extreem panic. Only the reality which can cause these state of mind is what can be considered the appearances of real monsters and the Castro brothers fit in perfectly in this discription.
I wonder how Raúl and Fidel Castro would feel like if somebody suddenly walked up to them and beated the crap out of them, kicking them in the groin, the ribs, punching them in the face for no justified reason but to quiet a persons right to free expression and to enjoy the benefits of internationaly recognized human rights. These two undersirable creeps should experience the agony and misery that the commun people have to put up with daily when they are stopped for identication, harassements and threats, and worst of all abusive beatings. I just hope that for the sake of our cuban brothers who are suffering this enormous tragedy, and in a certain way, a holocaust, can some day breath a sign of relief with the help of God. "Lord i pray thee you have mercy on these people and grant them the liberation from this terrible tyranny which has embraced them for half a century and deliver them from this evil power, amen".
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