domingo, 23 de febrero de 2014


Muslim cleric prays that journalists “have their hands chopped off and their tongues cut out” for “speaking evil of the Jihad”

Just imagine if the Imam Ibrahim Al-Harethi were in the United States. He wouldn’t be able to believe his good fortune. Christiane Amanpour, Niraj Warikoo, Bob Smietana, Lisa Wangsness, and hordes of other mainstream media journalists would be battling each other to be the first to publish a glowing profile, a fawning interview, a thoughtful feature story about the jihad, Hamas, the Palestinians, and of martyrdom operations, showing the most bloodthirsty jihad terrorists to be wise, warm, humorous, grimly determined, pious, and philosophical about the foes of the group, who would be portrayed as racist, ignorant bigots. Obama should get al-Harethi over here pronto, so that his heart and mind can be at peace.

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