By: Eduardo E. Rodríguez Candelario, member of the PULC in Puerto Rico.
april 30, 2009
Dear friends:
I am very emotional and grateful for the immense solidarity which you all have demonstrated after seeing the video which our brother Manuel Benito send to the program of Oscar Haza (Not to the Social Exclusion), where it is shown the work we do in the towns of the needy. The truth is that so much sensibility by all of you for the compatriots who survive totally excluded is a very beautiful gesture, which impulses us to keep extending our hands to all those persons who see these humanitarian help as their only hope for the solution to their grave problems.
I do not know how to thank you for your offer in helping and the disposition that you express by contributing to continue this labor of aid for those who lack the most basic recourses. Even though it is not new the solidarity of the cubans in exile, and also we know that thanks to many of the families in the exterior that many of the families in Cuba can enjoy a comfortable life, the truth is it is astonishing to see the mobilization of all you in functions of continuing to help more cubans who are in need.
Some question me how can they contribute with with their mails in this labour, unfortunately we do not have channels which we can utilize so we can receive these donations, neither can we rely on organizations to store the recourses and then be able to deliver it, i can only say to you that we offer our help appealing to the few recourses that we can get between the neigbors or friends who donate some clothes of use, toys, some food, sometimes books for childrens through the embassy, crayons, we also utilize some medicines when somebody sends it and with these recourses we are going and we are trying to reduce the suffering of these people, it is not much we can do, but our only interest is to extend our hand to the most needy, with no other cause but the human sensibility.
Even though the cuban government makes it dificult and expensive, there are agencies who dedicate themselfs to sending packages to our country, also there are people who know other ways of sending these items but we do not know much about their activities. The most that we can assure is that we will always, any recourse that they send us, we will try, as we always have done, to give it the best use possible.
Maybe you do not know that i only have two or three hours a week to access the internet, many people have written to me in these days, to all i say i will try to answer their calls as soon as possible, counting with the time available.
If it is of any use, i live with my husband in:
San Bernandino st. #265 between Serrano and Duregue, Santo Suárez, 10 of October.
You can contact us at cel: 05-27-3-27-93
A hug to all and i am very grateful.