martes, 12 de mayo de 2009


By: Frank Correa

Airs of unconfusing renovation and good health we breath today, may 7, 2009 and at open doors, the Agenda for the Cuban Transition, in the new committee for its monthly meetings, the house of pro temporary secretary Francisco Chaviano González, in Jaimanitas.

The representation of historic leaders and ex political prisoners who have done long terms in the Castro jails, mixed with the new blood and impulsive renovation, they fixed in their mind a visible touch of modernism and energy, necesary to direct the programs of struggle and the pluralistic options, vital elements for the existence of this type of "Parlament of the opposition".

Elizardo Sánchez Santa Cruz occupied the functions of moderator, he guided them as a fraternity of men in possession of a useful end: Defender of the rights of the Country, as according to Chaviano is the fundamental reason of the will of the fighters for social justice.

Feliz Bonne, the other pro temporary secretary, proposed that starting from this meeting of May, the Agenda for the Cuban Transition had to speak of a before and after. The promptness with which gave way to irregularities in the past secretaries will not be repeated. After a vote which was an example of transparency, Guillermo Fariñas, Gisela Delgado and Dr. René Gómez Manzano, where elected to occupy the three vacant post of the pro temporary secretary.

Héctor Palacios, President of the Liberal Unity Party of the Republic of Cuba, in one of his interventions said, that starting from now on, at these meetings of the Agenda we should go to work, suggesting that all measures of the organization and control which where approved by vote that morning is the end of a dark period.

Guillermo Fariñas, was bearer of a mandate which objective is to persuade the brothers of the struggle Jorge Luís García Pérez (Antúnez) to lift the hunger strike, for having gained the objectives complied with:

1) To call the attention of the public opinion in his struggle, including out of Cuba.

2)Put the political police in continious standby.

"Antúnez constituted a necessary chain for the Agenda. He is worth more alive". Where the words of the other struggler and emblematic striker.

One of the agreements which illustrate the important turn of a hundred and eighty degrees which the Agenda have undertaken, the Commission of Internal Regulations has it in their hands, in charge of re-doing its status, taking the positive of the past stage and adecuate, where the experience has enriched the perspective and analysis of the members.

Another of their coordinated agreements was the Agenda for the Cuban transition is opened to all tendencies, lines and political programs of the rest of the opposition inside of Cuba, always as they comply with the requisitions of confronting totalitarian and the inoperable socialist society which govern us.

An atmosphere of mutual respect, cordiality and desire to contribute to the human welfare, was evident in the interventions of all the parliamentarians of the Agenda for the Cuban transition. The dialogue returned, the patriotic fever and those airs of optimism and clear sightedness which once pushed Guillermo Fariñas, Jorge Luís García Pérez (Antúnez) and Francisco Chaviano González, (the founders), of the primary ideas of dragging besides them all the political and social force of the opposition inside of Cuba in one and same agenda.

Translator: Eduardo E. Rodríguez Candelario, boricua member of the PULC and collaborator of the OCPI in Puerto Rico.

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