Three dissidents Attacked, one being the well known cuban news reporter Guillermo Fariñas Hernández and two of the members of "Ladies in White". This attack by the state police is a total outrage which cannot be tolerated an should be considered seriouly a detriment to any future approach to diplomatic and economic relations.
The dictatorship of Cuba is completly cynical and tyrannical in their intentions, despicabel liers who have no respect or intentions in valueing real cuban-american relations, it just cannot be remotely considered such an approach with a discusting bunch of communistic, and really, fascist mobsters. Diplomatic relations just cannot happen while these thugs roam around their country beating, threatening and violating simple human rights; of these person, who in a peaceful matter, go on with their daily lives seeking to make a change so human rights can be restablished.
The most despicable and cynical thing about the game this communist regime is playing is that they commit crimes against their own people and then the Commandante (Fidel Castro), who is the real culprit of this monstrosity, turns around and says that his country is pure and innocent in its intentions toward all human rights. what a piece of work!
What the cuban people is experiencing is an island turned into a giant concentration camp and daily nightmare, only comparable to what was the National Socialist Party (Nazis). These Castro brothers, and those who are doing their dirty work, are doing so with the consent of the two most despicable tyrants left on this planet, besides North Korea, loud mouth Hugo Chavez and the Taliban.
By: Eduardo E. Rodríguez Candelario, boricua member of the PULC and collaborator of the OCPI in Puerto Rico.
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