By: Eduardo E. Rodríguez Candelario,
boricua member of the PULRC and
collabortator of the OCPI in Puerto Rico.
may 18, 2009
Hatillo, Puerto Rico - www.cubanoticiasdisidentes.com - The reason why i say that the reknown group of "The Ladies in White" are attacked by the dictatorship is because when the mob confronts, insults, threatens and throws blows at a peaceful group of protestors who are seeking the freedon of their husbands who are unjustly imprisoned due to their struggle for human rights, and the state police do not intervene to stop the attack of these brutal and savage mobs, that can only mean one thing and that is that the dictatorship is supporting and permitting these acts of controntation on purpose. The dictatorship of the Castro Brother will never comply with their bargain of real honest to goodness diplomatic relations by showing a sense of goodwill in realeasing all the political prisoners and those of conscience from the hellish dungoens of Cuba. These two savage animals will never reason or consent to openings for a real change in Cuba, and cuban-american relations, it will just not happen, its a dream we should all erase from our minds.
If the 65% of the cubans who whish for a change do not unite in anger and disgust with the other, more or less about 5%, in mass, when this type of abuses occurs on the streets in full view, then their hope for a change will be completely null, we might as well just give up. Its the same attitude the world over, in Cubas case 65%, more or less, desire a change but when it comes to participating in the struggle with the other 5% who are doing the real hard work their is no sense of real will to help, its like saying:"let somebody else throw the ball and i'll just watch". In similar cases i have heard people saying "o, that problem is not with me and i am not going to risk losing my job". In the cases of the struggle in Cuba it could be justified if the cuban people could count on a fair salary, able to enjoy liberties and the guarantees of a constitution based on freedoms, but when all this is just a myth and a faraway illusion, when that 65% is not intervening and just folding their arms without any concern, then this can be considered as unjustifiable and unconsiderate.
All 70% of the nation of Cuba should unite unconditionally to help make a transition to democracy and human rights, which is a real possibility, only if we stop jerking around and doing something about it now. That 5% who are sacrificing their lives and freedom are waiting for the rest of the 65% to make that leap in uniting and showing true bravery in the face of their commun enemy the communist dictatorship in Cuba.
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