domingo, 21 de marzo de 2010


Dear brother Adalberto

I am a friend of Robert Park, who has been in contact with you previously concerning SOS North Korea - calling all Christians worldwide to pray for North Korea.
We particularly would like to call out to the church in Latin America to join in prayer and fasting for North Korea. I want to ask specific prayer for Robert. He entered North Korea personally on December 25, 2009. After 43 days he was released by the North Korean government. Since his release from North Korea and return to the USA, I have been able to meet with him and talk with him. He suffered much in North Korea, to say the least. He is still suffering and needs our prayers.

There are two videos I would like to share with you, in Spanish. Please pass them on to your contacts in Latin America who will pray for North Korea and Robert Park. Please also see attached document about Robert.

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