martes, 11 de mayo de 2010

PAUL CRESPO: “shake” por “change”

Enviado por ei en Mayo 11, 2010 – 17:28 pm.

Dear Friend and Fellow Conservative,
Let me come straight to the point. I really need your support. Our nation is on the brink of disaster and I am fighting to take it back. But I need your help. As you know I am a genuine Reagan conservative, former U.S. Marine Corps officer, diplomat, activist and commentator, not a career politician. I believe in public service not self service.
When I became a Marine I swore to support and defend the Constitution and did that for twelve years in half a dozen countries on four continents. But I didn’t stop there and have been fighting for conservative values in the media, community and academia ever since. And I’m fighting now, but I need ammunition. Please take two minutes right now and donate $25.00 to my campaign to give me the ammunition to keep fighting for you.

To me this race is about fighting for our conservative values of limited government, lower taxes, free markets and a strong national defense inspired by Ronald Reagan. But it is also about returning to the idea of a citizen legislator, to represent the people not the lobbyists, power brokers and special interests. As a matter of fact I had just had an Op-Ed published in the Washington Times, titled “Time to shake up Capitol Hill; Outsiders are the key to GOP Victory.”
And I have already started to shake things up. I have made several bold policy pronouncements including a 12% flat tax to reduce the tax burden on hard working Americans, stimulate the economy and create jobs. I also pledged that once elected I would term limit myself to eight years and would decline the lavish, taxpayer funded congressional pension plan. For me this a mission not a career.
Since I announced my principled, grassroots, outsider Republican run for U.S. Congress just a few weeks ago we have been building a formidable campaign organization, recruiting volunteers, traveling throughout my diverse South Florida district meeting voters, speaking at events and appearing on numerous TV and radio shows. I also have been endorsed by prominent conservative and patriotic organizations such as The National Republican Trust PAC and National Defense PAC.

But I need your help to keep fighting, because unlike my opponent in the Republican primary I am NOT a career politician, nor a statehouse insider funded by powerful lobbyists and corporate special interest groups. I’m fighting for you, the average, hard working American.
I need you to help me show the establishment that We The People still matter. That integrity and honor still matter. That the people decide elections, not the lobbyists and special interests. That’s why I am asking you to make a small donation to my campaign.Please take just two minutes right now to donate $25.00 to help me reach my current fundraising goal. If you can donate $50.00 or $100.00, or more, it would make an even bigger impact.
But all I’m asking for is $25.00. For many of us that’s the price of an average lunch, or tickets to a movie. That’s a small price to pay to defeat the entrenched establishment and make a real difference in the future of this great nation.
Help me bring Washington back to the people, and our nation back from the brink. Please donate now. And please forward this email to all your friends!
Thank you so much.
Semper Fi,

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