lunes, 24 de mayo de 2010


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Noticias de la semana
Mayo 17-24, 2010

Lunes, 24 de mayo de 2010

Carta del Comisionado Residente, Pedro Pierluisi al editor de The Washington Post sobre el H.R. 2499 (en inglés)

In her May 18 Metro column ["Puerto Rico doesn't even want a vote, but D.C. must wait again?"], Petula Dvorak objected that the House of Representatives passed a bill "inviting Puerto Rico to join the union" after withdrawing legislation to give the District of Columbia a voting representative in the House.

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Viernes, 21 de mayo de 2010

El Comisionado Residente, Pedro Pierluisi, habla sobre el H.R. 2499 en Destination Casa Blanca (PBS)

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Jueves, 20 de mayo de 2010

Statement for the Record Regarding ATSDR's Public Health Assessments in Vieques, House Committee on Science and Technology, Subcommittee on Investigations and Oversight

Thank you, Chairman Miller.

I want to commend you for convening this hearing in order to examine the policies and procedures of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), including the Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry (ATSDR), with respect to public health assessments. In particular, I want to express my gratitude to this Subcommittee for addressing the health assessments conducted by the ATSDR about the possible link between exposure to contaminants released from the Navy’s military activities on Vieques Island, Puerto Rico and the negative health effects experienced by the residents of Vieques. Naturally, this issue is of great importance and concern to my constituents, especially those living in “La Isla Nena”—as we in Puerto Rico fondly call Vieques.

As Majority Staff for the Subcommittee observed in a March 2009 report, the Navy engaged in live bombing practice activities on and off the coast of Vieques from 1941 to 2003, spreading munitions containing depleted uranium and other toxic chemicals into the sea and local ecosystem. As the Majority Staff also noted in that report, multiple studies have shown that residents of Vieques have a 23% higher cancer rate than those on “mainland” Puerto Rico.

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Jueves, 20 de mayo de 2010

Para ver la vista pública del H.R. 2499 ante el Comité del Senado sobre Energía y Recursos Naturales, haga clic aquí:

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Jueves, 20 de mayo de 2010

Statement, Senate Committee on Energy & Natural Resources, Hearing on H.R. 2499, the Puerto Rico Democracy Act

Chairman Bingaman, Ranking Member Murkowski, and Members of the Committee:

Thank you for giving me the opportunity for speaking in support of my bill, H.R. 2499.
H.R. 2499 is a bill about democracy, as its title suggests. It deals with the right of self-determination, and Congress doing the right thing. It was approved in a strong bipartisan vote—at a time when we all know bipartisanship is in short supply. It was approved by the House. Now, it is the Senate’s turn to consider it.

The purpose of the bill is straightforward. What Congress is doing is authorizing the government of Puerto Rico to conduct one or more plebiscites in which the people of Puerto Rico would be able to express their views regarding the Island’s political status. The threshold question posed in the first plebiscite is a key question. It is the essence of democracy. Congress is authorizing the government of Puerto Rico to ask the American citizens living in Puerto Rico whether they want Puerto Rico to continue having its present form of political status, or whether they want Puerto Rico to have a different political status.

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Miércoles, 19 de mayo de 2010

Pierluisi pide acción al Senado sobre status

WASHINGTON, DC- El Comisionado Residente en Washington, Pedro Pierluisi, pidió hoy al Senado de Estados Unidos que autorice al pueblo de Puerto Rico elegir su preferencia de estatus en un plebiscito con aval congresional, tal como lo hizo la Cámara de Representantes en días recientes.

“Cuando la Cámara de Representantes aprobó por amplio margen el H.R. 2499, se hizo claro que existen sólo tres alternativas posibles al estatus actual. Y ayudó a asegurar que cualquier proceso de plebiscito futuro será un ejercicio significativo de autodeterminación dado que los electores tendrán finalmente la oportunidad de expresar sus preferencias entre opciones válidas, y sólo válidas- de estatus”, dijo el Comisionado Residente ante la Comisión de Energía y Recursos Naturales del Senado de Estados Unidos, que preside el senador Jeff Bingaman (D-Nuevo México).

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Martes, 18 de mayo de 2010

Pierluisi pide se elimine el déficit de fondos en Becas Pell para poder atender el aumento en solicitudes

Washington, DC- El Comisionado Residente en Washington, Pedro Pierluisi, se unió hoy a un grupo de congresistas que solicitan al Presidente del Comité de Asignaciones de la Cámara de Representantes de Estados Unidos, David Obey, que se elimine el déficit de fondos en el programa de Becas Pell, la ayuda financiera principal para más de ocho millones de estudiantes a través de Estados Unidos, incluyendo a Puerto Rico.

“La situación económica en la nación ha tenido como resultado el que un mayor número de estudiantes decidan asistir a una universidad o colegio para obtener nuevas destrezas y poder tener más oportunidades de conseguir un empleo en nuestra economía. Con un número mayor de estudiantes matriculándose, que a su vez tienen mayor necesidad que en el pasado, la demanda por las Becas Pell ha ido en aumento”, lee la carta suscrita por casi 60 congresistas.

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Martes, 18 de mayo de 2010

Letter from Pierluisi and Other Representatives to House Appropriations Committee Requesting Funding for Pell Grants (en inlgés)

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