viernes, 8 de julio de 2011



El general Edward Braddock es herido mortalmente

1940 Nació John Salvito, rockero, Duprees
1819 Nació Elias Howe, estadounidense, inventor de la máquina de coser
1764 Nació Ann Radcliffe, escritora inglesa
1654 Nació Emperador Reigen de Japón

1746 Fallece Felipe V, rey de España
1228 Fallece Stephen Langton, arzobispo de Canterbury.
518 Fallece Anastasio I, emperador de Bizancio

Santa Anatolia
Santa Verónica

Efemérides del día, efemérides de la semana, efemérides del año. Cuándo nació? Donde nació? Donde murió? Cuando murió? Cómo murió?. Santoral de hoy, todos los Santos, las Santas, las Beatas...

2001 De la Rúa anuncia que la Argentina se ha quedado sin crédito. Comienza la crisis económica en Argentina.
1997 Concluye en Madrid la mayor cumbre de la historia de la OTAN en la que se firma un tratado con Ucrania y se acuerda la integración en la Alianza de Polonia, Hungría y la República Checa.
1976 Se reúne el primer consejo de ministros de Adolfo Suárez.
1971 Golpe de Estado frustrado en Marruecos.
1882 Primer torneo de tenis de Wimbledon.
1816 Argentina se independiza de España.
1810 Napoleón incluye oficialmente a Holanda en el Imperio francés.
1762 Catalina II es nombrada emperatriz de Rusia
1755 En EEUU fuerzas francesas e indígenas emboscan y derrotan a los británicos y milicianos norteamericanos. El general Edward Braddock es herido mortalmente y el coronel George Washington sobrevive.
1541 Estevão da Gama parte de Massawa, dejando atrás a 400 mosqueteros y 150 esclavos bajo las órdenes de su hermano Christovão da Gama, para que asistan al emperador de Etiopía a derrotar a Ahmad ibn Ibrihim al–Ghazi, que había invadido su imperio.
1429 Juana de Arco hace abrir las puertas de Troyes a Carlos VII, que lo hará consagrar en Reims, Francia.
1357 El emperador Carlos IV de Luxemburgo (del Sacro Imperio Romano) asiste a la instalación de la piedra fundamental del puente Carlos, en Praga.
68 Nerón es depuesto y condenado a muerte por el Senado romano.


The Duprees - I wish i could believe you

The Duprees is an American musical group of doo-wop style which had a series of successes during the early 1960s.


The group was initiated during the early 1960s in Jersey City, New Jersey by William L. Dickinson High School students Michael Arnone, Joe Santollo, John Salvato, Tom Bialoglow, and main singer Joe Canzano (Vann). George Paxton, a former big band director, liked the group's style and contracted them with his Coed Records company. Their first single "You Belong to Me" had previously been a success for Jo Stafford during 1952. The Duprees' version was given a big band musical backing by Paxton and scored the US top ten during 1962.

The group had more top 40 successes during the next few years. "My Own True Love" was a vocal adaptation of "Tara's Theme" from the soundtrack of Gone with the Wind and became the group's second success. "Have You Heard" and "Why Don't You Believe Me" also scored the Top 40 charts and, like "You Belong to Me," were originally early 1950s female vocal successes (Joni James, in this case). The group became known for mixing doo-wop vocals with big band arrangements. Tom Bialoglow ended his employment with the group during 1963. Mike Kelly, who had recorded on the group's original demonstrations for George Paxton, replaced Joey Vann as main vocalist during 1964.

Despite becoming unfashionable after The Beatles initiated the so-called "British Invasion" during 1964, the Duprees continued to record, developing a more popular style, and scoring the Top 100 as late as 1975. Joe Santollo died during 1981, Joey Vann died during 1984 and Mike Arnone died during 2005. During the late 1960s and early 1970s they released an album by the name "The Italian Asphalt And Paving Co," and had a minor success with "Check Yourself." Michael Kelly (main singer from 1965–1977) sang with The Chaperones for a brief stint during 2006. Tommy Bialoglow has his own group known as Twilight Time. John Salvato is a booking agent and does not perform anymore.

On November 6, 2008 the Duprees were officially inducted into the Vocal Group Hall of Fame honoring the original members. Tommy Bialoglow performed and accepted the Harmony Award.

The Duprees continue to perform today with a busy schedule of concerts and television performances, featuring current members Tommy Petillo, Jimmy Spinelli, Phil Granito, and Tony Testa.

Some music critics[who?] have said that the Duprees' recordings are the most complex harmonies in Rock and Roll history.


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