sábado, 6 de agosto de 2011



Batalla de Boyacá

Acontecimientos del 7 de agosto
El 07 de agosto de 1711 Se celebra la primera carrera de caballos en Royal Ascot, Ascot.

El 07 de agosto de 1819 Con la Batalla de Boyacá se sella la independencia de Colombia ante España.

El 07 de agosto de 1858 Ottawa es elegida como la capital de Canadá por la Reina Victoria.

El 07 de agosto de 1890 Carlos E. Pellegrini accede a la Presidencia de Argentina, tras la renuncia de Miguel Juárez Celman.

El 07 de agosto de 1911 Se inaugura en Santiago de Chile Hospital de Urgencia y Asistencia Pública Doctor Alejandro Del Río.

El 07 de agosto de 1919 El Congreso aprueba el dictamen referente al ingreso de España en la Sociedad de Naciones.

El 07 de agosto de 1924 Fundación del Universitario de Deportes, equipo peruano de fútbol bajo el nombre de Federación Universitaria.

El 07 de agosto de 1926 Reino Unido celebra su primer campeonato de carreras de coches en Brooklands.

El 07 de agosto de 1942 Los marines estadounidenses comienzan el asalto a Guadalcanal.

El 07 de agosto de 1957 Se retiran del cine los cómicos Stan Laurel y Oliver Hardy, conocidos como "el Gordo y el Flaco".

El 07 de agosto de 1959 Los Estados Unidos lanzan el Explorer 6 para tomar la primera foto de la Tierra desde un satélite.

El 07 de agosto de 1960 Costa de Marfil se independiza de Francia.

El 07 de agosto de 1961 El cosmonauta Titov orbita alrededor de la tierra durante un día completo en la nave Vostok 2.

El 07 de agosto de 1963 El Consejo de Seguridad de Naciones Unidas prohíbe la venta de armas a Sudáfrica.

El 07 de agosto de 1978 Golpe de Estado en Honduras: un triunvirato militar depone al jefe de Estado, Gral. Melgar.

El 07 de agosto de 1984 Iraq reanuda el ataque contra Irán con misiles a los barcos petroleros que navegan por el Golfo Pérsico.

El 07 de agosto de 1986 El cucuteño Virgilio Barco Vargas se posesiona como presidente de Colombia para el periodo 1986-1990.

El 07 de agosto de 1987 Los presidentes de Costa Rica, Guatemala, El Salvador, Nicaragua y Honduras formalizan un plan para la pacificación de la zona.

El 07 de agosto de 1990 Tras la invasión de Kuwait por Iraq, Turquía cierra el oleoducto que transportaba petróleo iraquí al Mediterráneo.

El 07 de agosto de 1992 39 naciones asisten a la Conferencia de Desarme, que deriva en la firma del Tratado de Prohibición de Armamento Químico.

El 07 de agosto de 1994 X Conferencia Internacional sobre el SIDA en Yokohama (Japón), enfermedad que afectaba ya a 36,1 millones de personas en todo el mundo.

El 07 de agosto de 1996 Mueren 87 personas y 183 resultan heridas como consecuencia de una riada provocada por una tormenta que arrasó un camping llamado "Las nieves", cerca de Biescas (Huesca).

El 07 de agosto de 1998 Mueren 258 personas y 5.000 resultan heridas en dos atentados perpetrados por el Frente Islámico del saudí Osama bin Laden contra las Embajadas de EE. UU. en Nairobi y Dar es Salaam.

El 07 de agosto de 2006 La compañía Apple libera al mercado su más reciente computador Mac Pro luego de un año de anticipación, eliminando de su línea de productos el procesador PowerPC.

El 07 de agosto de 2007 El beisbolista estadounidense, Barry Bonds conectó su cuadrangular #756 de por vida, superando así el record de todos los tiempos en manos de Hank Aaron (755).

El 07 de agosto de 2008 Comienza la guerra entre Georgia y la república autónoma pro-rusa de Osetia del Sur.

Nacimientos del 07 de agosto
El 07 de agosto de 0317 nace Constancio II, Emperador de los romanos.

El 07 de agosto de 1400 nace Guillaume Dufay, compositor francés.

El 07 de agosto de 1533 nace Alonso de Ercilla, soldado y poeta español.

El 07 de agosto de 1560 nace Elizabeth Báthory, aristócrata y asesina en serie húngara.

El 07 de agosto de 1783 nace John Heathcoat, inventor de la máquina para hacer encajes.

El 07 de agosto de 1829 nace Justo Pastor Dávila, militar peruano.

El 07 de agosto de 1867 nace Emil Nolde, pintor alemán.

El 07 de agosto de 1876 nace Mata Hari, espía de origen holandés.

El 07 de agosto de 1885 nace Billie Burke, actriz estadounidense.

El 07 de agosto de 1896 nace Alberto Demicheli, político y dictador de Uruguay.

El 07 de agosto de 1901 nace Ann Harding, actriz estadounidense.

El 07 de agosto de 1903 nace Louis Leakey, arqueólogo británico.

El 07 de agosto de 1904 nace Ralph Bunche, diplomático estadounidense, Premio Nobel de la Paz en 1950.

El 07 de agosto de 1911 nace Nicholas Ray, director de cine estadounidense.

El 07 de agosto de 1924 nace Kenneth Kendall, periodista.

El 07 de agosto de 1926 nace Stan Freberg, actor de voz estadounidense.

El 07 de agosto de 1927 nace Carl Switzer, "Alfalfa", actor estadounidense.

El 07 de agosto de 1928 nace James Randi, mago canadiense.

El 07 de agosto de 1932 nace Abebe Bikila, maratonista etíope.

El 07 de agosto de 1942 nace Tobin Bell, actor estadounidense.

El 07 de agosto de 1943 nace Alain Corneau, director de cine francés.

El 07 de agosto de 1947 nace Sofiya Rotaru, cantante ucraniana.

El 07 de agosto de 1948 nace Greg Chappell, jugador de cricket australiano.

El 07 de agosto de 1952 nace Alexei Sayle, actor británico.

El 07 de agosto de 1954 nace Antonio Resines, actor español.

El 07 de agosto de 1955 nace Wayne Knight, actor estadounidense.

El 07 de agosto de 1958 nace Bruce Dickinson, vocalista de la banda británica Iron Maiden.

El 07 de agosto de 1960 nace David Duchovny, actor norteamericano.

El 07 de agosto de 1961 nace Carlos Vives, cantante colombiano.

El 07 de agosto de 1963 nace Harold Perrineau, actor estadounidense.

El 07 de agosto de 1965 nace Jocelyn Angloma, futbolista francés.

El 07 de agosto de 1966 nace Jimmy Donal "Jimbo" Wales, fundador de Wikipedia.

El 07 de agosto de 1971 nace Rachel York, actriz y cantante estadounidense.

El 07 de agosto de 1972 nace Eva Hache, humorista y presentadora de televisión española.

El 07 de agosto de 1975 nace David Hicks, supuesto terrorista australiano.

El 07 de agosto de 1977 nace Paula Echevarría, actriz española.

El 07 de agosto de 1978 nace Alexandre Aja, director decine francés.

El 07 de agosto de 1982 nace Juan Martín Hernández, jugador de rugby argentino.

El 07 de agosto de 1983 nace Christian Chávez, actor y cantante mexicano.

El 07 de agosto de 1985 nace Daniel Gimeno, tenista valenciano.

Defunciones del 07 de agosto
El 07 de agosto de 0461 muere Mayoriano, emperador de los romanos.

El 07 de agosto de 0479 muere Yūryaku, emperador del Japón.

El 07 de agosto de 1106 muere Enrique IV, emperador del Sacro Imperio Romano Germánico (1084-1105).

El 07 de agosto de 1547 muere San Cayetano de Thiene, Presbítero fundador de la Orden de los Clérigos Regulares Teatinos

El 07 de agosto de 1616 muere Vincenzo Scamozzi, arquitecto italiano.

El 07 de agosto de 1817 muere Pierre Samuel du Pont de Nemours, empresario y economista francés.

El 07 de agosto de 1821 muere Carolina de Brunswick-Wolfenbüttel, reina consorte del Reino Unido.

El 07 de agosto de 1834 muere Joseph Marie Jacquard, inventor francés.

El 07 de agosto de 1855 muere Mariano Arista, presidente de México.

El 07 de agosto de 1900 muere Wilhelm Liebknecht, político alemán.

El 07 de agosto de 1925 muere Ricardo Mella, intelectual anarquista español.

El 07 de agosto de 1941 muere Rabindranath Tagore, escritor indio, Premio Nobel de Literatura en 1913.

El 07 de agosto de 1957 muere Oliver Hardy, actor cómico estadounidense.

El 07 de agosto de 1974 muere Rosario Castellanos, poeta y escritora mexicana.

El 07 de agosto de 1984 muere Esther Phillips, cantante estadounidense.

El 07 de agosto de 1988 muere Henry Frenay, fundador de la Resistencia Francesa.

El 07 de agosto de 1992 muere Francisco Fernández Ordóñez, político español.

El 07 de agosto de 1994 muere Rosa Chacel, escritora española.

El 07 de agosto de 2001 muere Larry Adler, compositor estadounidense.

El 07 de agosto de 2005 muere Peter Jennings, presentador de noticias canadiense.

El 07 de agosto de 2007 muere Ernesto Alonso, actor mexicano.

El 07 de agosto de 2008 muere Juan Bustos Ramírez, presidente de la Cámara de Diputados de Chile.


Stan Laurel Oliver Hardy Tribute "Friends"

Oliver Hardy (January 18, 1892 – August 7, 1957) was an American comic actor famous as one half of Laurel and Hardy, the classic double act that began in the era of silent films and lasted nearly 30 years, from 1927 to 1955.

Early life

Oliver Hardy was born Norvell Hardy in Harlem, Georgia. His father, Oliver, was a Confederate veteran wounded at the Battle of Antietam on September 17, 1862. After his demobilization as a recruiting officer for Company K, 16th Georgia Regiment, the elder Oliver Hardy assisted his father in running the vestiges of the family cotton plantation, bought a share in a retail business and was elected full-time Tax Collector for Columbia County. His mother, Emily Norvell, the daughter of Thomas Benjamin Norvell and Mary Freeman, was descended from Captain Hugh Norvell of Williamsburg, Virginia. Her family arrived in Virginia before 1635. Their marriage took place on March 12, 1890; it was the second marriage for the widow Emily, and the third for Oliver. He was of paternal English American descent and maternal Scottish American descent.

The family moved to Madison in 1891, before Norvell’s birth. Norvell’s mother owned a house in Harlem, which was either empty or tenanted by her mother. It is probable that Norvell was born in Harlem, though some sources say it was in his mother’s home town, Covington. His father died less than a year after his birth. Hardy was the youngest of five. As a child, Hardy was sometimes difficult. He was sent to Georgia Military College in Milledgeville as a youngster. In the 1905/1906 school year, fall semester (September–January), when he was 13, Hardy was sent to Young Harris College in north Georgia. However, he was in the junior high component of that institution (the equivalent of high school today), not the two-year college which exists today.

He had little interest in education, although he acquired an early interest in music and theater, possibly from his mother’s tenants. He joined a theatrical group, and later ran away from a boarding school near Atlanta to sing with the group. His mother recognized his talent for singing, and sent him to Atlanta to study music and voice with singing teacher Adolf Dahm-Petersen, but Hardy skipped some of his lessons to sing in the Alcazar Theater, a cinema, for US$3.50 a week. He subsequently decided to go back to Milledgeville.

Sometime prior to 1910, Hardy began styling himself "Oliver Norvell Hardy", with the first name “Oliver” being added as a tribute to his father. He appeared as “Oliver N. Hardy” in the 1910 U.S. census,and in all subsequent legal records, marriage announcements, etc., Hardy used “Oliver” as his first name.

Hardy’s mother wanted him to attend the University of Georgia in the fall of 1912, to study law, but there is no evidence that he ever did or did not.


Early career

In 1910, a movie theater opened in Hardy’s home town of Milledgeville, Georgia, and he became the projectionist, ticket taker, janitor and manager. He soon became obsessed with the new motion picture industry, and became convinced that he could do a better job than the actors he saw on the screen. A friend suggested that he move to Jacksonville, Florida, where some films were being made. In 1913, he did just that, where he worked as a cabaret and vaudeville singer at night, and at the Lubin Manufacturing Company during the day. It was at this time that he met and married his first wife, pianist Madelyn Saloshin.

The next year he made his first movie, Outwitting Dad, for the Lubin studio. He was billed as O. N. Hardy, taking his father’s name as a memorial. In his personal life, he was known as “Babe” Hardy, a nickname that he was given by an Italian barber, who would apply talcum powder to Oliver’s cheeks and say, “nice-a-bab-y.” In many of his later films at Lubin, he was billed as “Babe Hardy.” Hardy was a big man at six feet, one inch tall and weighed up to 300 pounds. His size placed limitations on the roles he could play. He was most often cast as “the heavy” or the villain. He also frequently had roles in comedy shorts, his size complementing the character.

By 1915, he had made 50 short one-reeler films at Lubin. He later moved to New York and made films for the Pathé, Casino and Edison Studios. He then returned to Jacksonville and made films for the Vim Comedy Company, until that studio closed its doors after Hardy discovered the owners were stealing from the payroll.[1] He then worked for the King Bee studio after they bought Vim. He worked with Charlie Chaplin imitator Billy West and comedic actress Ethel Burton Palmer during this time. (Hardy continued playing the “heavy” for West well into the early 1920s, often imitating Eric Campbell to West’s Chaplin.) In 1917, Oliver Hardy moved to Los Angeles, working freelance for several Hollywood studios. Later that year, he appeared in the movie The Lucky Dog, produced by G.M. (“Broncho Billy”) Anderson and starring a young British comedian named Stan Laurel.[2] Oliver Hardy played the part of a robber, trying to stick up Stan’s character. They did not work together again for several years.

Between 1918 and 1923, Oliver Hardy made more than forty films for Vitagraph, mostly playing the “heavy” for Larry Semon. In 1919, he separated from his wife, ending with a divorce in 1920, allegedly due to Hardy’s infidelity. The very next year, on November 24, 1921, Hardy married again, to actress Myrtle Reeves. This marriage was also unhappy and Myrtle eventually became an alcoholic.[citation needed]

In 1924, Hardy began working at Hal Roach Studios working with the Our Gang films and Charley Chase. In 1925, he starred as the Tin Man in the Wizard of Oz. Also that year he was in the film, Yes, Yes, Nanette!, starring Jimmy Finlayson, who in later years would be a recurring actor in the Laurel and Hardy film series. The film was directed by Stan Laurel.[3] He also continued playing supporting roles in films featuring Clyde Cooke and Bobby Ray.

In 1926, Hardy was scheduled to appear in Get ’Em Young but was unexpectedly hospitalized after being burned by a hot leg of lamb. Laurel, who had been working as a gag man and director at Roach Studios, was recruited to fill in.[4] Laurel kept appearing in front of the camera rather than behind it, and later that year appeared in the same movie as Hardy, 45 Minutes from Hollywood, although they didn’t share any scenes together.

With Stan Laurel

Main article: Laurel and Hardy

In 1927, Laurel and Hardy began sharing screen time together in Slipping Wives, Duck Soup (no relation to the 1933 Marx Brothers’ film of the same name) and With Love and Hisses. Roach Studios’ supervising director Leo McCarey, realizing the audience reaction to the two, began intentionally teaming them together, leading to the start of a Laurel and Hardy series late that year. With this pairing, he created arguably the most famous double act in movie history. They began producing a huge body of short movies, including The Battle of the Century (1927) (with one of the largest pie fights ever filmed), Should Married Men Go Home? (1928), Two Tars (1928), Unaccustomed As We Are (1929, marking their transition to talking pictures) Berth Marks (1929), Blotto (1930), Brats (1930) (with Stan and Ollie portraying themselves, as well as their own sons, using oversized furniture to sets for the ‘young’ Laurel and Hardy), Another Fine Mess (1930), Be Big! (1931), and many others. In 1929, they appeared in their first feature, in one of the revue sequences of Hollywood Revue of 1929 and the following year they appeared as the comic relief in a lavish all-color (in Technicolor) musical feature entitled The Rogue Song. This film marked their first appearance in color. In 1931, they made their first full length movie (in which they were the actual stars), Pardon Us although they continued to make features and shorts until 1935. The Music Box, a 1932 short, won them an Academy Award for best short film — their only such award.

In 1936, Hardy’s personal life suffered a blow as he and Myrtle divorced. While waiting for a contractual issue between Laurel and Hal Roach to be resolved, Hardy made Zenobia with Harry Langdon. Eventually, however, new contracts were agreed and the team was loaned out to producer Boris Morros at General Service Studios to make The Flying Deuces (1939). While on the lot, Hardy fell in love with Virginia Lucille Jones, a script girl, whom he married the next year. They enjoyed a happy, successful marriage until his death.

In the early 1940s, Laurel and Hardy made A Chump at Oxford (1940) (which features a moment of role reversal, with Oliver becoming a subordinate to a temporarily concussed Stan) and Saps at Sea (1940) before leaving Roach Studios. They began performing for the USO, supporting the Allied troops during World War II, and teamed up to make films for 20th Century Fox, and later MGM. Although they were financially better off, they had very little artistic control at the large studios, and hence the films lack the very qualities that had made Laurel and Hardy worldwide names. Their last Fox feature was The Bullfighters (1945), after which they declined to extend their contract with the studio.

In 1947, Laurel and Hardy went on a six week tour of Great Britain. Initially unsure of how they would be received, they were mobbed wherever they went. The tour was then lengthened to include engagements in Scandinavia, Belgium, France, as well as a Royal Command Performance for King George VI and Queen Elizabeth. Biographer John McCabe said they continued to make live appearances in the United Kingdom and France for the next several years, until 1954, often using new sketches and material that Laurel had written for them.

In 1949, Hardy’s friend, John Wayne, asked him to play a supporting role in The Fighting Kentuckian. Hardy had previously worked with Wayne and John Ford in a charity production of the play What Price Glory? while Laurel began treatment for his diabetes a few years previously. Initially hesitant, Hardy accepted the role at the insistence of his comedy partner. Frank Capra later invited Hardy to play a cameo role in Riding High with Bing Crosby in 1950.

During 1950—51, Laurel and Hardy made their final film. Atoll K (also known as Utopia) was a simple concept; Laurel inherits an island, and the boys set out to sea, where they encounter a storm and discover a brand new island, rich in uranium, making them powerful and wealthy. However, it was produced by a consortium of European interests, with an international cast and crew that could not speak to each other.[5] In addition, the script needed to be rewritten by Stan to make it fit the comedy team’s style, and both suffered serious physical illness during the filming.

In 1955, the pair had contracted with Hal Roach, Jr., to produce a series of TV shows based on the Mother Goose fables. They would be filmed in color for NBC. However, this was never to be. Laurel suffered a stroke, which required a lengthy convalescence. Hardy had a heart attack and stroke later that year, from which he never physically recovered.


In May 1954, Hardy suffered a mild heart attack. During 1956, Hardy began looking after his health for the first time in his life. He lost more than 150 pounds in a few months which completely changed his appearance. Letters written by Stan Laurel, however, mention that Hardy had terminal cancer,which has caused some to suspect that this was the real reason for Hardy’s rapid weight loss. Hardy was a heavy smoker, as was Stan Laurel. Hal Roach made the statement they were a couple of "freight train smoke stacks".Hardy suffered a major stroke on September 14, which left him confined to bed and unable to speak for several months. He remained at home, in the care of his beloved Lucille. He suffered two more strokes in early August 1957, and slipped into a coma from which he never recovered. Oliver Hardy died on August 7, 1957, at the age of 65.His remains are located in the Masonic Garden of Valhalla Memorial Park Cemetery in North Hollywood.

Stan Laurel was too ill to go to his film partner and friend's funeral. He stated, "Babe would understand."


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