miércoles, 21 de septiembre de 2011

Aren't Cubans People Too?


There's a gem of an interview by CNN's Wolf Blitzer with former New Mexico Governor Bill Richardson on the Castro regime's public rebuke of his effort to free American hostage Alan Gross.

During the interview, Richardson made some very concerning statements.

For example:

- "President Obama has loosened travel restrictions. And on my trip there, Wolf, I saw a lot of increasing travel. That's good for the Cuban economy."

Is the Obama Administration's policy now to strengthen Cuba's totalitarian economy?

Why is the U.S. pursuing policies that strengthen Cuba's totalitarian economy while the Castro regime has dramatically increased its repressive practices and is holding an American hostage?

- "The human rights situation has improved for both sides, and then this dramatic snub of me."

Is Governor Richardson unaware that political arrests in Cuba have more than doubled in the last year?

Is Richardson unaware that on the very same weekend he was in Havana there were over 150 pro-democracy activists arrested?

Is the snubbing of Richardson a bigger "human rights" violation that the brutal beating and arrest of thousands of pro-democracy activists?

- "The Cubans have to realize that if they don't release him soon, that there's going to be a deep freeze."

Deep freeze in what? Richardson himself has confirmed how U.S. policy is helping Cuba's economy.

Where's the pressure?

- "I'm very proud of the State Department that has basically said unless we get this guy out, unless we stand for human rights, we're not going to improve the relationship."

Why didn't the State Department take a stand for human rights while it was easing sanctions towards the Castro regime before -- or even since -- Alan Gross's arrest?

Aren't Cubans people too?

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