martes, 6 de abril de 2010

Obama's to visit Miami's Power Couple: Gloria and Emilio Estefan

April 6, 5:06 PMMiami Political Buzz ExaminerGlenn Osrin

The nation’s power couple par excellence---President Barack and First Lady Michelle Obama---will be visiting south Florida on April 15 and hooking up with Miami’s preeminent power couple, Gloria and Emilio Estefan.

The trip coincides with a scheduled appearance by President Obama to defend his plan to impose cuts at NASA; and, provides the Obama’s an opportunity to attend a Democratic fundraiser being hosted by the Estefans at their posh Miami Beach home on Star Island.

Gloria and Emilio Estefan are one of the most successful and respected entertainment power couples in the U.S., and certainly the latin community’s most recognizable and politically active Hispanic celebrities.

Though the Estefans are accustomed to keeping a low profile while working quietly and diligently on issues ranging from freeing Cuba to the most recent defense of the 'Ladies in White', their presence and support lend instant visibility and credibility to any cause they decide to champion.

In essence, when Gloria and Emilio Estefan talk, Miami and the myriad of Hispanic residents from Cuba, Puerto Rico, Brazil, Venezuela and the Dominican Republic listen.

A dramatic example of their quiet clout took place when the Estefan’s through their weight behind a protest march in support of “Las Damas De Blanco” (The Ladies In White), a group of women whose family members have been imprisoned by Fidel Castro’s regime, and who protest and demonstrate for democratic change and freedom of expression in Cuba.

In a rally earlier last month, “Las Damas en Blanco” were roughed up and dragged through the streets in Cuba by suspected Castro loyalists, hell-bent on ending the protest, but not before images of their suppression and abuse were broadcast around the world. Within hours, the Estefans had marshaled civic, media, and political forces in Miami to arrange an enormous protest march in support of the ‘Ladies In White’ that drew thousands of human rights supporters to the streets of Little Havana.

Gloria & Emilio Estefan join the protest in support of the Ladies In White. AP Haraz GhanbariNo strangers to one another, the Estefans will host the Obama’s in what is the first political fundraiser Gloria and Emilio have initiated. The timing and support of the fundraiser for Obama and the Democrats couldn’t come at a better time as Republicans are gaining strength in Florida in advance of the upcoming midterm elections in November. Hispanics in south Florida have historically supported Republicans. The fundraiser will give the Dems an opportunity to close ranks and retain critical Hispanic support that had helped turn the tide and get Obama elected in 2008.

According to the Miami Herald, Estefan confidante Freddy Balsero---who also consulted with the Obama administration on Hispanic issues during the campaign---said that Gloria and Emilio are “..both at a place in their lives where they believe giving back is important, and patriotism is important”.

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