Sent by Adalberto Santiago
I have sent these alerts to our main offices for their consideration.
Dear Brothers/Sisters in Christ,
We find it necessary to send you the following alerts for increased violence or the threat of violence in several areas. Please discreetly release this information as you see best, and keep each situation in prayer.
1. You have probably heard of the increased violence and threat from the war between the drug cartels and the Mexican government. The town our office is located in, was besieged by several vehicles with groups of armed gunmen, machine guns, who terrorized the town for several hours looking for several known local dealers. Our secretary, Janeth was actually in the office, in the middle of all this, and lost track of her daughter who was hiding in a neighbors home. There have been a number of similar incidents in other areas in the states of Sinaloa, Chihuahua, Sonora, and Tamualipas. Practices very similar to what the FARC developed to terrorize their region, are being used, with mutilation and decapitation now common, even in my town where over a dozen have been decapitated in the past 2 years. We know that pastors who were involved in the drug trade in the past are being targeted in Chihuahua, and that extortion and protection is getting to be more common. Very little is published or actually documented, since the cartels' punishment and reaction, unlike the Indigenas who warn their targets over and over again, is swift and deadly. The attack on my town was not even reported in the press. Please keep Janeth and other ministerial workers in such zones in your prayers, and this type of situation which is becoming the rule in Latin America.
2. The rebel Zapatistas have geared up their attacks in several regions, and part of their campaign to rid their areas of unwanted influences touches our people. Esdras Alonso, our Vice President has been vilified in the press and in Anarchistic blogs around the world, making him an actual target for a physical attack as well. There have been several areas where he is forbidden to enter, such as Mitziton, covered by VOMC Greg Musselman's wonderfully accurate report in March/April. Since January there have been several cases of expulsions, burning of buildings, and physical attacks in different regions...something different from their low key presence up til now.
2a. We received a warning from our most reliable source in the field, that Indigenas in the Selva are "outraged" by the Arizona Law against illegal immigrants and are threatening to burn alive any gringos they encounter. The rhetoric was quite heated, and they are obviously being coached by outside influences. Binding people to posts and burning them alive has been a practice used in the past, and actually used in more civilized parts near Mexico City several times I can remember. I would caution missionaries in those areas to be extremely alert and open to warnings of their contacts if they are working or traveling through the Selva, Highlands, or other more isolated known Zapatista regions.This year is the Bi-Centennial year of the Mexican Revolution and many rebel groups are using it as a platform for their agendas... They should also be on the alert for any obvious movement of the Mexican army or police which is a sure sign that something is going on.
We have a number of Activities scheduled this year in Chiapas that we believe are essential to minister to the persecuted and the Body of Christ who live in Chiapas, but also strategic in reaching out to the Zapatistas. I will be heading to Chiapas the end of May to formalize the co-ordination of our team, and get the Legal Defense team trained and functioning. Please remember us in your prayers, as we do you, Sincerely in Christ, Linda Picard
General Co-Ordinator and Administrator
PS Will be at the ICA Meeting in May if you have any further questions not deal-able by internet.
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