miércoles, 23 de febrero de 2011

Castro, Gadhafi, Bin Laden


Manuel Cereijo

The national press is referring to Gadhafi as the Osama Bin Laden of the 1980s. No, much before Gadhafi took power, Castro had organized the Tricontinental Congress in La Habana, in 1966, where the origin of international terrorism was organized. The Osama Bin Laden of the 1960s, 1970s, 1980s was Fidel Castro.

Castro intervened in Africa, Central and South America, the Middle East, and the United States, since the mid 1960s up to now. Not only uses terrorist methods, but uses spies inside the United States, at high places in government, and through them, and the cyber intelligence, uses the information and sell it to rogue countries and terrorist groups through the world.

He initiated the hijacking of airplanes in the late 1950s, when he was not yet in power. It all started in an Island in the Caribbean, Cuba; the First Tri Continental Congress, 1966. How? Refer to my previous essays on this topic

La prensa nacional se refiere a Kadafi como el Bin Landen de los 1980s. No, mucho antes que Kadafi tomara el poder, Castro habia organizado el Congreso Tricontinental en La Habana, en 1966, donde surgio, se empezo a organizer, el terrorismo internacional. El Osama Bin Laden de los 1960s, 1970s 1980s y aun es lo fue Fidel Castro

Castro intervino en Africa, America Central, America del Sur, el Medio Este, y aun en los Estados Unidos, desde los 1960s y aun continua haciendolo. No solo usa el terrorismo, sino que utilize espias dentro de los Estados Unidos, y, a traves de ellos, y del espionaje electronico, usa y vende esta informacion a paises y grupos terroristas.

Castro inicio la pirateria aerea aun antes de tomar el poder, enlos 1950s.Si, todo empezo en una pequeña isla del Caribe, Cuba. El primer Congreso Tri Continental, 1966. Como? Referierase a mis escritos previos en este topico

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