domingo, 31 de julio de 2011



Rusia vende Alaska a los Estados Unidos

Acontecimientos del 1 de agosto
El 01 de agosto de 0314 El emperador Constantino I convoca el Concilio de Arlés.

El 01 de agosto de 0527 Justiniano I se convierte en Emperador Bizantino.

El 01 de agosto de 0939 Las tropas del rey leonés Ramiro II vencen a las andaluces de Abd al-Rahman III en la batalla de Simancas.

El 01 de agosto de 1137 Ramiro II de Aragón promete en matrimonio a su hija Petronila con Ramón Berenguer IV.

El 01 de agosto de 1291 Se funda la Confederación Helvética con la unión de los condados de Uri, Schwyz y Unterwalden (formado este último por Obwalden y Nidwalden); germen del estado suizo.

El 01 de agosto de 1443 Alfonso V continúa su política expansionista y conquista el condado de Fano.

El 01 de agosto de 1461 Eduardo IV se convierte en Rey de Inglaterra.

El 01 de agosto de 1492 Abandonan España la mayor parte de los judíos expulsados.

El 01 de agosto de 1498 Cristóbal Colón avista la primera tierra firme del continente americano, que luego se llamará Venezuela.

El 01 de agosto de 1595 Muere en la horca Gabriel Espinosa, el pastelero de Madrigal, que fingió ser el rey Sebastián de Portugal.

El 01 de agosto de 1610 Rodrigo de Vivero llega a tierras mexicanas procedente de Japón.

El 01 de agosto de 1704 La escuadra anglo-holandesa, al mando del almirante Rooke, comienza el asedio de Gibraltar, durante la guerra de Sucesión española.

El 01 de agosto de 1726 Se otorga la Carta Puebla al municipio de Figueroles (Castellón)

El 01 de agosto de 1772 Se produce el primer reparto de Polonia, en provecho de Prusia, Rusia y Austria.

El 01 de agosto de 1774 El elemento oxígeno es descubierto independientemente por Joseph Priestley, corroborando los hallazgos previos de Carl Wilhelm Scheele.

El 01 de agosto de 1776 El rey Carlos III crea el Virreinato del Río de la Plata

El 01 de agosto de 1832 Entra en servicio el primer ferrocarril de vapor en Alemania, entre Linz y České Budějovice, destinado al transporte de sal.

El 01 de agosto de 1834 Queda abolida la esclavitud en todos los territorios dependientes de Gran Bretaña.

El 01 de agosto de 1838 Es coronada la Reina Victoria I de Inglaterra.

El 01 de agosto de 1867 Rusia vende Alaska a los Estados Unidos por 7,2 millones de dólares.

El 01 de agosto de 1898 Se inaugura el Museo Español de Arte Contemporáneo en el Palacio de Bibliotecas y Museos de la calle Recoletos de Madrid (actual sede de la Biblioteca Nacional), con Pedro Madrazo como director.

El 01 de agosto de 1900 El médico cubano Carlos Finlay hace público sus descubrimientos sobre el mosquito transmisor de la fiebre amarilla.

El 01 de agosto de 1901 el venezolano, Carlos Rangel Garbiras, se subleva contra el general Castro, dirigente de la República.

El 01 de agosto de 1902 La explosión de una mina de carbón en Wollongong (Australia), causa la muerte de un centenar de obreros.

El 01 de agosto de 1907 Robert Baden-Powell realiza el primer campamento scout de la Historia, considerado el nacimiento del Escultismo, en la isla de Brownsea, puerto de Poole, Dorset, Inglaterra.

El 01 de agosto de 1911 Comienza a funcionar el giro postal en España.

Nacimientos del 01 de agosto
El 01 de agosto de 0126 nace Pertinax, emperador de Roma (193).

El 01 de agosto de 1313 nace Emperador Kōgon de Japón.

El 01 de agosto de 1377 nace Emperador Go-Komatsu de Japón.

El 01 de agosto de 1545 nace Andrew Melville, teólogo y reformista escocés.

El 01 de agosto de 1579 nace Luis Vélez de Guevara, escritor español.

El 01 de agosto de 1714 nace Richard Wilson, pintor galés.

El 01 de agosto de 1718 nace Pedro Pablo Abarca de Bolea, IX conde de Aranda, militar y estadista español.

El 01 de agosto de 1738 nace Jacques François Dugommier, general francés.

El 01 de agosto de 1744 nace Jean-Baptiste Lamarck, botánico y zoólogo francés.

El 01 de agosto de 1757 nace Pedro Estala, escritor, helenista, filólogo, traductor, crítico literario, editor y religioso escolapio español.

El 01 de agosto de 1770 nace William Clark, explorador estadounidense.

El 01 de agosto de 1779 nace Lorenz Oken, naturalista alemán.

El 01 de agosto de 1782 nace Eugenio de Mazenod, sacerdote francés, fundador de la Congregación de Misioneros Oblatos de Maria Inmaculada.

El 01 de agosto de 1818 nace Maria Mitchell, astrónoma estadounidense.

El 01 de agosto de 1819 nace Herman Melville, escritor estadounidense.

El 01 de agosto de 1837 nace José María Galván y Candela, pintor y grabador español.

El 01 de agosto de 1858 nace Hans Rott, compositor austriaco.

El 01 de agosto de 1863 nace Gaston Doumergue, estadista francés.

El 01 de agosto de 1873 nace Elpidio González, político argentino.

El 01 de agosto de 1881 nace Otto Toeplitz, matemático alemán.

El 01 de agosto de 1885 nace George de Hevesy, químico húngaro, premio Nobel de Química en 1943.

El 01 de agosto de 1889 nace Walter Gerlach, físico alemán.

El 01 de agosto de 1891 nace Karl Kobelt, político suizo.

El 01 de agosto de 1893 nace Alejandro I, rey de Grecia.

El 01 de agosto de 1894 nace Ottavio Bottecchia, ciclista italiano.

El 01 de agosto de 1899 nace William Steinberg, director de orquesta alemán.

El 01 de agosto de 1908 nace Miloslav Kabeláč, compositor checo.

El 01 de agosto de 1910 nace James Henry Govier, artista británico.

El 01 de agosto de 1912 nace Henry Jones, actor estadounidense.

El 01 de agosto de 1914 nace J. Lee Thompson, director británico.

El 01 de agosto de 1916 nace Anne Hébert, poeta canadiense.

El 01 de agosto de 1918 nace Mario López, poeta y pintor español.

El 01 de agosto de 1921 nace Jack Kramer, tenista estadounidense.

El 01 de agosto de 1922 nace Pat McDonald, actriz australiana.

El 01 de agosto de 1924 nace Georges Charpak, físico francés de origen polaco.

El 01 de agosto de 1925 nace Ernst Jandl, escritor austriaco.

El 01 de agosto de 1926 nace Leopoldo Sucre Figarella, político venezolano.

El 01 de agosto de 1928 nace César Leante, escritor cubano nacionalizado español.

El 01 de agosto de 1930 nace Pierre Bourdieu, sociólogo francés.

El 01 de agosto de 1933 nace Dom DeLuise, actor estadounidense.

El 01 de agosto de 1936 nace William Donald Hamilton, biólogo evolutivo británico.

El 01 de agosto de 1938 nace Jacques Diouf, político senegalés, director general de la FAO.

El 01 de agosto de 1941 nace Étienne Roda-Gil, compositor y guionista francés.

El 01 de agosto de 1942 nace Claes H. Ahnsjö, tenor sueco.

El 01 de agosto de 1945 nace Douglas Dean Osheroff, físico estadounidense, Premio Nobel de Física en 1996.

El 01 de agosto de 1946 nace Boz Burrell, guitarrista británico (King Crimson, Bad Company).

El 01 de agosto de 1948 nace Jorge Maronna, músico y humorista argentino, integrante del grupo "Les Luthiers".

El 01 de agosto de 1949 nace Kurmanbek Bakiyev, político y presidente de la República de Kirguistán.

El 01 de agosto de 1950 nace Jim Carroll, poeta y actor estadounidense.

El 01 de agosto de 1951 nace Tommy Bolin, guitarrista estadounidense (Deep Purple).

El 01 de agosto de 1952 nace Zoran Djindjić, político serbio.

El 01 de agosto de 1953 nace Oscar Cantón Zetina, político mexicano.

El 01 de agosto de 1956 nace Tom Leykis, presentador radio estadounidense.

El 01 de agosto de 1958 nace Rob Buck, músico estadounidense (10,000 Maniacs).

El 01 de agosto de 1959 nace Joe Elliott, músico inglés (Def Leppard).

El 01 de agosto de 1960 nace Chuck D, rapero, compositor, actor y productor musical estadounidense.

El 01 de agosto de 1963 nace Demián Bichir, actor mexicano.

El 01 de agosto de 1964 nace Adam Duritz, músico norteamericano (Counting Crows).

El 01 de agosto de 1965 nace Sam Mendes, director de cine y teatro británico.

El 01 de agosto de 1968 nace Stacey Augmon, jugador de baloncesto estadounidense.

El 01 de agosto de 1970 nace David James, futbolista inglés.

El 01 de agosto de 1972 nace Tanya Reid, actriz canadiense.

El 01 de agosto de 1973 nace Tempestt Bledsoe, actriz estadounidense.

El 01 de agosto de 1976 nace Nwankwo Kanu, futbolista nigeriano.

El 01 de agosto de 1977 nace Damien Saez, músico francés.

El 01 de agosto de 1978 nace Dhani Harrison, músico británico.

El 01 de agosto de 1979 nace Roberto Hoyas, actor español.

El 01 de agosto de 1980 nace Mancini, futbolista brasileño.

El 01 de agosto de 1984 nace Bastian Schweinsteiger, futbolista alemán.

Defunciones del 01 de agosto
El 01 de agosto de 0371 muere San Eusebio de Vercelli, obispo italiano.

El 01 de agosto de 0527 muere Justino I, emperador bizantino.

El 01 de agosto de 1098 muere Ademar de Monteil, obispo francés.

El 01 de agosto de 1137 muere Luis VI, rey de Francia.

El 01 de agosto de 1227 muere Shimazu Tadahisa, general japonés.

El 01 de agosto de 1457 muere Lorenzo Valla, humanista italiano.

El 01 de agosto de 1464 muere Cosme de Médicis, político y banquero italiano.

El 01 de agosto de 1541 muere Simon Grynaeus, teólogo alemán.

El 01 de agosto de 1546 muere Peter Faber, teòlogo francés.

El 01 de agosto de 1557 muere Olaus Magnus, escrito sueco.

El 01 de agosto de 1580 muere Albrecht Giese, político y diplomátco alemán.

El 01 de agosto de 1589 muere Jacques Clément, asesino de Enrique III de Francia.

El 01 de agosto de 1589 muere Enrique III, rey de Francia.

El 01 de agosto de 1714 muere Ana I, reina de Gran Bretaña.

El 01 de agosto de 1787 muere San Alfonso María de Ligorio obispo y doctor de la Iglesia, fundador de la Congregación del Santísimo Redentor.

El 01 de agosto de 1796 muere Robert Pigot, oficial británico.

El 01 de agosto de 1798 muere François-Paul Brueys D'Aigalliers, almirante francés.

El 01 de agosto de 1812 muere Yakov Kulnev, generalñ ruso.

El 01 de agosto de 1836 muere James Madison, presidente estadounidense.

El 01 de agosto de 1838 muere Lorenzo da Ponte, poeta y libretista italiano.

El 01 de agosto de 1840 muere Karl Otfried Müller, intelectual y arqueólogo alemán.

El 01 de agosto de 1851 muere William Joseph Behr, escritor alemán.

El 01 de agosto de 1866 muere John Ross, cacique de La Nación Cheroqui estadounidense.

El 01 de agosto de 1903 muere Calamity Jane, forajida estadounidense.

El 01 de agosto de 1920 muere Bal Gangadhar Tilak, líder hindú.

El 01 de agosto de 1923 muere Warren G. Harding, presidente estadounidense.

El 01 de agosto de 1944 muere Manuel Luis Quezon y Molina, primer Presidente de la Mancomunidad de Filipinas.

El 01 de agosto de 1945 muere Blas Cabrera Felipe, físico español.

El 01 de agosto de 1959 muere Jean Behra, piloto de Formula 1 francés.

El 01 de agosto de 1964 muere Johnny Burnette, cantante estadounidense.

El 01 de agosto de 1967 muere Richard Kuhn, químico alemán, premio Nobel de Química en 1938.

El 01 de agosto de 1969 muere Miguel Labordeta, poeta y dramaturgo español.

El 01 de agosto de 1970 muere Frances Farmer, actriz estadounidense.

El 01 de agosto de 1973 muere Gian Francesco Malipiero, compositor italiano.

El 01 de agosto de 1974 muere Ildebrando Antoniutti, cardenal italinno.

El 01 de agosto de 1977 muere Francis Gary Powers, piloto estadounidense.

El 01 de agosto de 1980 muere Patrick Depailler, piloto de Formula 1 francés.

El 01 de agosto de 1981 muere Paddy Chayefsky, escritor estadounidense.

El 01 de agosto de 1987 muere Pola Negri, actriz de cine mudo polaca-norteamericana.

El 01 de agosto de 1989 muere John Ogdon, pianista inglés.

El 01 de agosto de 1990 muere Norbert Elias, sociolog alemán.

El 01 de agosto de 1996 muere Frida Boccara, cantante francesa.

El 01 de agosto de 1997 muere Sviatoslav Richter, pianista ucraniano.

El 01 de agosto de 1998 muere Eva Bartok, actriz húngaro.

El 01 de agosto de 1999 muere Nirad C. Chaudhuri, escritora hindú.

El 01 de agosto de 2003 muere Guy Thys, entrenador de fútbol belga.

El 01 de agosto de 2004 muere Philip Hauge Abelson físico norteamericano.

El 01 de agosto de 2005 muere Fahd bin Abd Aziz, rey de Arabia Saudí.

El 01 de agosto de 2008 muere Leopoldo Alas Mínguez, escritor español (n. 1962)


Johnny Burnette - Dream Lover

John Joseph "Johnny" Burnette (March 25, 1934 – August 1, 1964) was an American rockabilly pioneer. Along with his older brother Dorsey Burnette, and also a friend named Paul Burlison, Burnette was a founding member of The Rock and Roll Trio. He was the father of 1980s rockabilly singer Rocky Burnette.

Early life

Johnny Burnette was born to Willie May and Dorsey Burnett Sr. in Memphis, Tennessee. (The ‘e’ at the end of the name was added later.) Johnny grew up with his parents and Dorsey in a public housing project in the Lauderdale Courts area of Memphis, which from 1948 until 1954 was also the home of Gladys and Vernon Presley and their son, Elvis.

Early press reports, dating back to 1956, claimed that Johnny attended Humes High School with Elvis Presley, which was not true. Johnny went initially to the Blessed Sacrament Parochial School and after graduating from the eighth grade he moved on to the Catholic High School in Memphis. Here he showed an aptitude for sports, being on the school baseball team and playing as linebacker on the school’s football team. In one famous incident, he was knocked out in a tackle by future singer Red West. Both he and Dorsey were also keen amateur boxers and were to become Golden Gloves Champions. After leaving high school, Johnny tried his hand at becoming a professional boxer, but after one fight with a sixty dollar purse and a broken nose or an encounter with Norris Ray, a top paycheck of $150 and a broken nose, he decided to quit the ring. He went to work on the barges traversing the Mississippi River, where Dorsey Burnette also worked. Johnny worked mainly as a deck hand while Dorsey worked as an oiler. Both of the brothers worked separately, but they would take their guitars on board and write songs during their spare time, which consequently led to them becoming folk heroes. After work they would go back to Memphis, where they would perform those and other songs at local bars, with a varying array of sidemen, including another former Golden Gloves champion named Paul Burlison, whom Dorsey had met at an amateur boxing tournament in Memphis in 1949. It is an well known rumour that they based their band name on the young boy 'Jonny Burnett'...

The Rock and Roll Trio

In 1952, the Burnette brothers and Burlison formed a group called The Rhythm Rangers. Johnny Burnette sang the vocals and played acoustic guitar, Dorsey played bass and Paul Burlison played lead guitar. For economic reasons, in 1956, the three young men moved to New York, where they managed to get an audition with the Ted Mack Original Amateur Hour. They won the competition three times in a row, which gained them a place in the finals, a recording contract with Coral Records and they officially became The Rock and Roll Trio. They also gained a manager, band leader Henry Jerome, and a drummer, Tony Austin, who was a cousin of Carl Perkins. Most of the most well known recordings of the Rock N Roll Trio were recorded on Coral records with the Nashville "A Team" session musicians—Grady Martin on lead guitar, Bob Moore on bass and Buddy Harman on drums.

Promotional appearances were arranged on Dick Clark's American Bandstand, Steve Allen's Tonight Show and Perry Como's Kraft Music Hall, together with a summer tour with Carl Perkins and Gene Vincent. On Sunday September 9, 1956, they appeared as finalists in the Ted Mack Original Amateur Hour at Madison Square Garden. Coincidentally, the same night the Trio was on the Amateur Hour (ABC-TV), Elvis made his debut appearance on The Ed Sullivan Show on CBS. Despite all of this activity, however, the three singles which were released over this period failed to make the national charts.

In order to cover their living expenses, the Trio was forced to go on the road, completing what seemed to be an endless stream of one night stands. This exhausting regime led to squabbles, which were exacerbated in Dorsey’s case by Jerome’s use of the name Johnny Burnette and the Rock and Roll Trio on records and live dates. Things finally came to a head at a gig in Niagara Falls in autumn 1956, when, as a result of a fight, Dorsey quit the group a week before they were to appear in Alan Freed’s film Rock, Rock, Rock.

Johnny Black, the brother of Elvis’ bassist Bill Black, was rapidly recruited to fill Dorsey’s place. Despite the film appearance and three more single releases and one LP release, the group failed to achieve any chart success. The Rock and Roll Trio officially disbanded in autumn 1957.

Success in California with Ricky Nelson

Now unemployed in Memphis, Johnny decided to try his luck in California. He and a friend, Joe Campbell, hitched down to the West Coast. Here they joined Dorsey and with their past differences forgotten, the brothers attempted to resurrect The Rock and Roll Trio, by sending for Paul Burlison. He joined them briefly, but decided to return to Memphis and concentrate on his electrical business. Dorsey and Johnny continued with their song writing activities, but Dorsey continued with his day job as an electrician to pay the family expenses.

The Burnettes' brashness got them their first success in the music business in California. On arriving in Los Angeles, Joe Campbell bought a copy of “A Map To The Stars” which showed the location of the teen idol Ricky Nelson’s home. In an effort to get their songs to him, the Burnettes and Campbell decided to sit on the steps of the star’s home until they could get a meeting with him. This persistence worked and Ricky was sufficiently impressed with their work, that he wound up recording many of their songs including "Believe What You Say", "It’s Late" and "Waitin' In School" amongst others. Other Imperial Records artists, such as Roy Brown, benefited from their songwriting abilities. He successfully recorded the brothers’ "Hip Shakin’ Baby" and this led to them signing a recording contract with Imperial Records as a duo. While in California, they met future Buck Owens and the Buckaroos bass player and solo artist Doyle Holly. Holly played bass guitar for a short time with the band.

As the Burnette Brothers, they were to have one single release on the Imperial label, "Warm Love"/"My Honey" (Imperial X5509), which was released on May 5, 1958. It did not make the charts. After this failure, they continued to co-operate as songwriters, but they began to follow separate careers as performing artists. In 1961, however, Johnny and Dorsey had two instrumental releases on the small Infinity and Gothic labels. The first single was "Green Grass Of Texas"/"Bloody River" (Infinity INX-001), which was released on February 20, 1961. The second single was "Rockin’ Johnny Home"/"Ole Reb" (Gothic GOX-001), which was released on May 29, 1961. Both of these records were under the name of The Texans. A further instrumental, "Lonely Island"/"Green Hills" (Liberty 55460) under the name of The Shamrocks was to appear on Liberty Records on June 6, 1962. "Green Grass Of Texas"/"Bloody River" was to be re-released in February 1965 on the Vee Jay label (VJ 658), again under the name of The Texans.

Solo career

The Liberty years

In the fall of 1958, Johnny obtained a recording contract as a solo artist with Freedom Records, which was an off-shoot of Liberty Records. He had three single releases on this label. The first single, "Kiss Me"/"I’m Restless" (44001), was released on September 11, 1958. This was followed by "Gumbo"/"Me And The Bear" (44011), which was released on March 6, 1959 and finally "Sweet Baby Doll"/"I’ll Never Love Again" (44017), which was released on June 24, 1959. None of these records were hits and of the six songs, "Sweet Baby Doll" was the only one not penned by Johnny. Some sources have suggested that Eddie Cochran played guitar on "Kiss Me" and "I’m Restless" but it has not been substantiated.

In mid-1959, the Freedom Label was shut down and Johnny moved to the main Liberty Label under the direction of producer Snuff Garrett. Since Liberty had more promotional machinery than Freedom, Johnny’s Liberty singles stood a greater chance of succeeding. His first Liberty single, "Settin’ The Woods On Fire"/"Kentucky Waltz" (Liberty F-55222), was released on November 10, 1959 and his second Liberty single "Patrick Henry"/"Don’t Do It" (Liberty F-55243), was released on March 4, 1960. Both singles sold well regionally but failed to become national hits. His third single, "Dreamin’"/"Cincinnati Fireball" (Liberty F-55285), however, which was released on May 4, 1960, made him famous to millions who had never heard of The Rock and Roll Trio. It reached #11 on the Billboard Hot 100 and it reached #5 in Britain. Unlike his older Coral recordings, "Dreamin’" was overlaid with an orchestral backing.

His fourth Liberty single "You’re Sixteen"/"I Beg Your Pardon" (Liberty F-55285), which was released on October 5, 1960, did even better, reaching #8 on the Hot 100 and #3 in Britain and earned him a gold record. Johnny went quickly back into the studio and under Snuff Garrett’s direction recorded "Little Boy Sad". This was released on January 3, 1961, backed with "(I Go) Down To The River" (Liberty F-55298). Shortly after its release, however, Johnny was hospitalized with a ruptured appendix, which was to keep him bedridden for several weeks. He was unable to undertake many personal appearances to promote the new record and it only reached #17 on the Billboard Hot 100 and #12 in Britain. Frustrated by this prolonged inactivity he tried to return to work too early and he promptly collapsed. This meant that his fifth Liberty single "Big Big World"/" Ballad Of The One Eyed Jacks" (Liberty F-55318), which was released on March 30, 1961, received no promotion at all, and struggled to reach #58 on the Hot 100.

His sixth Liberty single, "I’ve Got A Lot Of Things To Do"/"Girls" (Liberty F-55345), which was released June 14, 1961, was handled differently from his previous records. In Britain, the up-beat side, "Girls" was promoted as the topside and it reached #23 in the British charts in September 1961. In the US it was flipped over with "I’ve Got A Lot of Things to Do" as the topside, but despite heavy promotion, it failed to make the mark, peaking just outside the Hot 100 at #109.

After recovering from his illness, Johnny returned to the road with a triumphant tour of the Northern cities, culminating in a season at the Brooklyn Paramount Theatre, after which he undertook a highly successful tour of Australia with Connie Francis. Back in the limelight, his next release was scheduled to be a Carl Perkins’ song "Fools Like Me"/"Honestly I Do" (Liberty 55377) but this was cancelled in favour of "God, Country and My Baby"/"Honestly I Do" (Liberty 55379), which was released on September 27, 1961. The patriotism of the song clicked predominantly with American record buyers and it reached #18 on the Hot 100. It was to be Johnny Burnette’s last major American hit.

In 1962, Johnny toured Britain for the first time with Gary U.S. Bonds and Gene McDaniels, where he made an appearance on the New Musical Express Poll Winners’ Concert and several TV appearances. His next single "Clown Shoes"/"The Way I Am" (Liberty 55416) was released on January 26, 1962, but it failed to make the US Hot 100 petering out at #113. It was more successful in Britain, possibly because of the tour, where it reached #35. The song "Clown Shoes" was written by a Texan named James Marcus Smith, who was to find fame in Britain as P. J. Proby.

Johnny was to have two more single releases on Liberty Records. These were "The Fool Of The Year"/"The Poorest Boy In Town" (Liberty 55448), which was released on April 13, 1962 and "Damn The Defiant"/"Lonesome Waters" (Liberty 55489), which was released on July 30, 1962. Neither of these singles was a hit, but "Damn The Defiant", which was a Johnny Horton-style naval saga, was Johnny Burnette’s first self-penned A-side for Liberty as well as his last single for the label. It was probably inspired by the 1962 movie H.M.S. Defiant (known as Damn The Defiant in the USA), which starred Alec Guinness and Dirk Bogarde.

The Chancellor stint

Johnny moved to Chancellor Records, which had had success with teen idols like Fabian and Frankie Avalon. He had three single released during 1962, namely "I Wanna Thank Your Folks"/"The Giant" (Chancellor C-1116), "Tag Along"/"Party Girl" (Chancellor C-1123) and "Remember Me (I’m The One Who Loves You)"/"Time is Not Enough" (Chancellor C-1129) but none of these singles were hits.

The Capitol sessions

Johnny moved on from Chancellor, briefly joining Dorsey on Reprise Records for one single "Hey Sue"/"It Don’t Take Much" (20153) before signing a one year contract with Capitol Records in the summer of 1963. Johnny’s first recording session was held on July 23, 1963 at the Capitol Tower with Jim Economides and Jimmie Haskell overseeing the proceedings. A number of tracks were recorded, namely, "It Isn’t There", "Wish It Were Saturday Night", "I’ll Give You Three Guesses", "All Week Long" and "Congratulations, You’ve Hurt Me Again". Of these "It Isn’t There"/"Wish It Were Saturday Night" (Capitol 5023) were issued on August 19, 1963 as his first American single. In Britain, the flipside was changed to "All Week Long", but neither single made the charts. On December 13, 1963, a second session was held, with the same two men in charge. Four more songs were recorded of which "The Opposite"/"You Taught Me the Way To Love You" (Capitol 5114) was selected for single release on January 20, 1964. Again it failed to find chart success. A third session was held on February 14, 1964, which produced four songs, "Aunt Marie", "Two Feet In Front of Me", "If I Were An Artist", and "And Her Name Is Scarlett". None of these songs, however, were deemed fit for release and remained in-the-can for thirty years. A fourth session was held on March 16, 1964, which was overseen by David Gates, who was later to find fame with Bread. This session produced "Sweet Suzie, I Think She Knows" and "It All Depends On Linda", which was written by Bobby Bare. Of these songs, "Sweet Suzie" backed with "Walkin’ Talkin’ Doll", which had been held back from the December 1963 session, were released as Capitol single (Capitol 5176) on April 5, 1964. This single again failed to make the charts.

His own label

When his Capitol contract ran out, Johnny decided to take charge of his own affairs on his own terms. He formed his own label Sahara and in July 1964 released the single "Fountain of Love"/"What A Summer Day" (Sahara 512). When he was informed that the name Sahara had already been taken, he renamed the label Magic Lamp and a different single "Bigger Man"/"Less Than A Heartbeat" (Magic Lamp 515) was quickly released.


On August 14, 1964, Burnette's unlit fishing boat was struck by an unaware cabin cruiser on Clear Lake, California. The impact threw him off the boat and he drowned. When he was given the news, Dorsey Burnette called Paul Burlison, who flew out to comfort him and attend Johnny's funeral. The two men were to keep in touch until Dorsey’s death of a heart attack in 1979. Johnny Burnette was interred in Forest Lawn Memorial Park Cemetery in Glendale, California.


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