viernes, 1 de julio de 2011

Searching for Sovereignty and Independence

at 5:31 AM Friday, July 1, 2011

Defenders of the Castro regime -- and the Castro regime itself -- always seek to justify its 52-year totalitarian dictatorship with their favorite argument of "sovereignty and independence."

Yet, Hugo Chavez has been physically "governing" Venezuela from Cuba for the last three weeks and not a peep.

(Castro even set up a remote office for Chavez's cancer announcement yesterday, with a Venezuelan flag, a portrait of Bolivar and all.)

Actually, Castro's been de facto governing Venezuela for almost 12 years and not a peep.

Moreover, Cuba was de facto governed by the Soviet Union for over 30 years (with a formal allegiance "legally" sworn by Castro's 1976 Constitution) and not a peep.

Anyway, you get the point (and hypocrisy).

According to El Universal, here's how Venezuelan's feel about Chavez's remote rule:

About 59 percent of Venezuelans disagree with the fact that President Hugo Chávez is governing from Cuba, according to a poll conducted by pollster Venezuelan Institute for Data Analysis (IVAD) between June 16 and June 21.

Yet, the silence is deafening.

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