miércoles, 16 de marzo de 2011

Censorship vs. Absolute Control

March 16, 2011


An important point by Cuban author Humberto Fontova on the "trial" of American development worker Alan Gross and the brutal absolutism of the Castro regime:

So we'll never know the evidence, but the Castroite judge ruled that the Castroite prosecution, "demonstrated the participation of the North American contractor in a subversive project of the U.S. government that aimed to destroy the Revolution through the use of communication systems out of the control of authorities."

And there's the hitch: control of the authorities. Not even Libya or China seek to control, cell-phone and Internet access. Censor? Absolutely. But outright control of all means of communication is a fetish peculiar to Communists. (And no, the Chinese regime is no longer technically Communist, though certainly despicable and dangerous.)

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