BY: Faisel Iglesias
The deferring United States - Latin America - Cuba, it transcends the political and the economic. Its about, above all, the two deference in conceptions of society, the state and its rights.
For our country the supreme is the state and men an instrument for the most "high" purpose of the government. For the United States the supreme is its citizens and the state an instrument for its services.
It is an old reality which has its origine in the invasion of the arabs in the Iberian peninsula and in the rights ripped from John The Uninherited in England. In other words, one thing is to have been colonized by England and another thing is to have been colonized by Spain.
The United States is the product of colonials who enjoyed, under the british colonial rule, the individual rights, independence of judicial power and of a Magna Charter which limited the supreme faculties and established the rights of all citizens before the power of the state.
In Spain, of course, the invasion reduced the western conception of society, state and rights in the iberian peninsula and in the process of the reconconquering consolidated the absolute powers of the monarchy. In other words since the implementation of the state and its rights in all America, all the powers - political, administrative and judicial - will concentrate it'self in one man; The General Capitol. It was'nt until the constitution of Cadiz at the begining of the XIX century, that Spain would obtain a constitution, in the modern sense of the word, which would extend to Cuba and Puerto Rico. And beside it all, the powers would still be concentraded all the way to the moment in which spanish colonialism fell.
Also, in the same assambly of Guaimaro - Institutional Belén of the cuban nation - constituents of the Republic in Arms, the precise father of our country, Carlos Manuel de Céspedes, pretended to imposse a monist conception of state and rights - said, with the intention of guarantying the independence ( the same castro story ).
In the same scenery Ignacio Agramonte, it was imposse upon him, declarering that it was worthless independence for Cuba without the liberation of each cuban. In the assembly of Guaimaro Agramonte triumph, but during almost all the period of the independent Cuba it has prevailed the conception of Céspedes. Full confidence connot exist between the United States - where the supreme is the man and the institutions that govern - and latin america and Cuba - where the supreme is the state and the political self-willed is what governs - while in our America the will of the powers of a state depends on the men who exercise the power.
In other words beyond the political will of the actual leaders, it is necesary and an intergrated process in the vision of the world, in the conception of society, the state and rights, where the will of the leaders in unity does'nt mine the historic speech for the men in the road towards their plenitude.
Nota: Dedicado a Benny Moré
Aquel Trompito Armonioso
Andando el niño con su trompito por el camino del vecindario va,
alegre por el zumbido, en song del ritmo, pronto bailarán.
Miles the pequeñuelos siguiendo aquel curioso song que cortante penetra y se adhiere a lo profundo del alma, y los tiene con un ánimo de proseguir y continuar bailando , por eso prefieren continuar junto ha aquel trompo de bamboleo contaminante y de apariencia elegante.
Se le recomienda al niño de ojos negros impresionantes que lubrique con melasa embriagante aquel trompo the ritmo animante.
Llega la noche y comienza el bamboleo en el salón de aquel trompo sombreado que tiene a todos a su alrededor animado y con deslumbrante motivación.
Es tanto la lubricación con melasa embriagante de aquel trompo arrollador, que pronto se apaga para siempre el tan apreciado objeto de luz con destellos brillantes de aquel amado niño huerfano y ser deambulante animador.
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