By: Eduardo E. Rodríguez Candelario
april 21, 2009
Hatillo, Puerto Rico - http://www.cubanoticiasdisidentes.com/ - There seems to be no change what so ever with the Castro dictatorship. Stripping people of their clothes for wearing a simple pullover with the words "change", prohibiting the free association of groups of studies (in relation to human rights), keeping a blind eye in the trafficking of infant pornography due to poverty, harassing people for not being part of the communist party and its system of opression is not a positive sign in commencing a change toward a diplomatic relationship with the United States.
It seems as though many of the cuban exiles are right when they claim that the past historic intentions of trying to open a dialogue and diplomatic relation has resulted in the same back stabbing the Castros are used to practicing when it comes to requesting U.S. support. They smile showing their back molars and then turn around and keep playing the same wasteful game they have been playing through out their half century of rule. I respecfuly request that our president keep a careful and watchful eye in dealing with a regime which does not show and inkling of compromise. Every thing is the same, no releasing of political and consciencious prisoners, no ceasesing of the repression and constant harassment of its citizen for wanting to practice free speech, and the list of human rights violations goes on an on.
That Cubans can regain their full measure of freedom seems dim. There is no excuse or an acceptable reason for not impossing an inmediate establishment of human rights and the release of political prisoners now. What Raul Castro is waiting for has no logic or reasonable sense unless he and his brother are up to the same past tricks they have been used to, by throwing mud at the face of our presidents.
What worries me is no matter how many times we are attacked by the wicked aproach of the communist, there are still leftist groups who, by taking advantage of our free and democratic system, still insist on a none restrictive diplomatic relation.
May God bless the peaceful disidents who are the innocent pawn in the hands of the Castros. The disidents are the real heroes in the struggle to reestablish and regain the so desired democracy which has been denied them for half a century. I hope i am wrong, but the Castros are unwilling to conciliate or improve the Cuba-U.S. relations, both brothers are the real culprit in the path of true diplomatic relations; they are the real reason for so many years of economic blockade.
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