lunes, 11 de mayo de 2009


In todays date, thursday may 7, 2009, in the house of Francisco Chaviano González, cited in 236 St, # 126, Jaimanitas, Habana City, celebrated the following usual meeting for the Agenda of the Cuban Transition.

There was a massive participation of the persons who exhibit the condition of members of the Coordinators Board of this coalition of the peaceful opposition.

In conformity with the disposed in the standing rules and with the agreed at the past meeting, the Pro Temporary Secretary of this entity which will be integrated starting today by five members. No matter how in this encounter, have been elected two (Félix Antonio Bonne Carcassés and Francisco Chaviano González), we proceeded in the meeting of this day to select the three members which where needed. Where propossed by five candidates, which resulted in the democratically elected, in secret balots and by the absolut mayority, the following: Gisela Delgado Sablón, Guillermo Fariñas Hernández and René Gómez Manzano.

We adopted a diverse agreement directed to intensify the work of the Agenda for the Cuban transition.

We agreed that, further on, the meetings of our coalition should have a open character and public, for which we aspire to give a new style, dynamic and transparent in our activities.

The meeting was celebrated in a cordial atmosphere and fraternal.

By the Pro Temporary Secretary of the Agenda for the Cuban Transition.

Translator: Eduardo E. Rodríguez Candelario, boricua member of the PULC and collaborator of the OCPI in Puerto Rico.

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