From: Adalberto Rodríguez
Cuba Libre,
Compartir con vuestros contactos nuestra urgencia por los hermanos de Corea del Norte...
Dios Te bendiga, Embajada Cristiana Internacional
Dear friend,
I’ve just received some breaking news from the field…
It details the horrifying situation our brothers and sisters face in North Korea… which you noticed earlier this month is #1 on Open Doors’ World Watch List for the 8th year in a row.
I cannot share all the details here, but the report from the field states that the North Korean government recently declared “100 Days of Combat.” This means everyone must work for the state during this time of “mobilization.” If someone is on the street without a valid reason, they are arrested and sent to a labor camp. You can help protect our persecuted brothers and sisters.
Our contact reports that the situation is dire...
“People don’t have much of an opportunity to keep themselves alive. It’s normal again to see dead children on the street. Parents die or leave their children because they can no longer bear to see their sons and daughters starve.”
But he also says that in spite of the dire situation, Christians in North Korea are a shining light in this deep spiritual darkness. They are very brave. Secretly they share their faith with others and help others.
And he tells us they plead for our help...
“North Korean Christians recently held a secret prayer meeting. They came to the conclusion that it was important to continue with our projects. They have asked us for more help, especially for fervent prayer.”
We must act... and act NOW.
As I mentioned to you earlier this month, we are undertaking a massive effort to strengthen our suffering brothers and sisters as we launch into 2010. But to do this, it is crucial we receive $1.4 million from the generosity of friends like you by February 15th.
From North Korea to Iran to Somalia (all top-5 countries on this year’s World Watch List)… and other places I cannot disclose… our brothers and sisters must know we are standing with them in their suffering.
Thank you for your quick and generous response!
Carl Moeller
Open Doors USA
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