sábado, 18 de abril de 2009


By: Eduardo E. Rodríguez Candelario
april 18, 2009

President Barack Obama has shown an inmense sense of tactiful and tranquil approach which has succesfuly won the hearts and mind of even the most hardden souls of the foreign leaders. But the right wing keeps hammering on the idea that Baracks tactics is a negative and incorrect approach when it really seems as though thing are looking bright for the future with the openings that are occuring in these few weeks.

Even Raul Castro seems to give in on these approaches which are really the alternative to the growth and hope of his country, even Hugo Chavez turned into mush with the type of diplomatic style Obama is showing; an elegant, graceful, humble, friendly approach which we all need in this age of extreme aggresive type of macho man confrontations, which really amounts to more accumulative international problems and stressful political relations. I believe we need this new peaceful struggle to gain beneficial alliances by openning the minds and the hearts of the unwilling and recalcitrant, instead of more unnecesary hate and gloomy futures.

So as far as i am concern President Barack Obama can count on my vote of confidence. Mr. President you are doing an excellent and extraordinary job, please keep up the good work, God Bless you.

Nota: Dedicado a Benny Moré

Aquel Trompito Armonioso

Andando el niño con su trompito por el camino del vecindario va,
alegre por el zumbido, en song del ritmo, pronto bailarán.

Miles the pequeñuelos siguiendo aquel curioso song que cortante penetra y se adhiere a lo profundo del alma, y los tiene con un ánimo de proseguir y continuar bailando, por eso prefieren continuar junto ha aquel trompo de bamboleo contaminante y de apariencia elegante.

Se le recomienda al niño de ojos negros impresionantes que lubrique con melasa embriagante aquel trompo the ritmo animante.

Llega la noche y comienza el bamboleo en el salón the aquel trompo sombreado que tiene a todos a su alrededor animado y con deslumbrante motivación.

Es tanto la lubricación con melasa embriagante the aquel trompo arrollador, que pronto se apaga para siempre el tan apreciado objeto de luz con destellos brillates de aquel amado niño huerfano y ser deambulante.

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